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In absteigender Reihenfolge
  1. SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Malware and Intrusion Prevention for SOHO - Abonnement-Lizenz (1 Jahr)

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    1 Gerät - für SonicWall SOHO
  2. SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Malware and Intrusion Prevention for TZ 300 - Abonnement-Lizenz (1 Jahr)

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    1 Gerät - für SonicWall TZ300
  3. SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Malware, Intrusion Prevention and Application Control for NSA 4600 Series - Abonnement-Lizenz (2 Jahre)

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    1 Gerät - für NSA 4600 - 4600 High Availability - 4600 TotalSecure
  4. SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Malware, Intrusion Prevention and Application Control for NSA 5600 Series - Abonnement-Lizenz (1 Jahr)

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    1 Gerät - für NSA 5600 - 5600 High Availability - 5600 TotalSecure
  5. SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Malware, Intrusion Prevention and Application Control for NSA 6600 Series - Abonnement-Lizenz (1 Jahr)

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    1 Gerät - für NSA 6600 - 6600 High Availability - 6600 TotalSecure
  6. SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, Intrusion Prevention and Application Intelligence for SonicWALL NSA 2600 - Abonnement-Lizenz (1 Jahr)

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    1 Gerät - für NSA 2600 - 2600 High Availability - 2600 TotalSecure
  7. SonicWALL NSa 3700 - Advanced Edition - Sicherheitsgerät - 10GbE, 5GbE - 1U - onicWALL Secure Upgrade Plus Programm (3 Jahre Option)
  8. SonicWALL Threat Prevention - Intrusion Prevention, Gateway Anti-Virus, Gateway Anti-Spyware, Cloud Anti-Virus - Abonnement-Lizenz (1 Jahr)

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    für NSA 9250 - 9250 High Availability
  9. SonicWALL Threat Prevention - Intrusion Prevention, Gateway Anti-Virus, Gateway Anti-Spyware, Cloud Anti-Virus - Abonnement-Lizenz (1 Jahr)

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    für NSA 9450 - 9450 High Availability

In absteigender Reihenfolge