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In absteigender Reihenfolge
  1. Barracuda CloudGen Firewall Pool F600/F20 8 copper&4 SFP 1G ports and dual power - Firewall

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    (8 copper&4 SFP 1G ports and dual power supply) Account - Min.Menge: 1 Liz
  2. Barracuda CloudGen Firewall Pool F80 Account - Firewall

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    Account - Min.Menge: 1 Liz
  3. Barracuda CloudGen Firewall Pool F800/CCC 24 copper ports - Firewall

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    (24 copper ports) Account - Min.Menge: 1 Liz
  4. Barracuda CloudGen Firewall Pool F800/CCE 16 copper and 4 10G SFP+ fiber ports - Firewall

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    (16 copper and 4 10G SFP+ fiber ports) Account - Min.Menge: 1 Liz
  5. Barracuda CloudGen Firewall Pool F800/CCF 16 copper and 8 1G SFP fiber ports - Firewall

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    (16 copper and 8 1G SFP fiber ports) Account - Min.Menge: 1 Liz
  6. Barracuda CloudGen Firewall Pool F900.CFEQ Account - Firewall

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    Account (New: BNGF900p.CFEQ) - Min.Menge: 1 Liz
  7. Barracuda CloudGen Firewall Pool F900/CCC 24 Copper ports - Firewall

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    (24 Copper ports) Account - Min.Menge: 1 Liz
  8. Barracuda CloudGen Firewall Pool F900/CCE 16 copper and 8 10G SFP+ fiber ports - Firewall

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    (16 copper and 8 10G SFP+ fiber ports) Account - Min.Menge: 1 Liz
  9. Barracuda CloudGen Firewall Pool F900/CFE 8 copper 8 SFP 1G and 8 SFP+ 10G - Firewall

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    (8 copper 8 SFP 1G and 8 SFP+ 10G ports) Account - Min.Menge: 1 Liz
  10. Barracuda CloudGen Firewall Pool F93 Account - Firewall

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    Account - Min.Menge: 1 Liz
  11. Barracuda Cold Spare - CloudGen Firewall Appliance F12

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  12. Barracuda Demo-Umwandlung - 1 Einheit

    Barracuda Demo-Umwandlung - 1 Einheit

    Hersteller-Nr.: BNGF18B-DC

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  13. Barracuda Email Security Gateway 300 - Firewall

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    100Mb LAN - 1U - Rack-montierbar
  14. Barracuda Firewall Control Center for Amazon Web Services VCC400 - Firewall

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    for Amazon Web Services VCC400 Marketplace - Min.Menge: 1 Liz
  15. Barracuda Firewall Control Center for Amazon Web Services VCC400 - Firewall

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    for Amazon Web Services VCC400 - Min.Menge: 1 Liz
  16. Barracuda Firewall Control Center for Amazon Web Services VCC610 - Firewall

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    for Amazon Web Services VCC610 - Min.Menge: 1 Liz
  17. Barracuda Firewall Control Center for Amazon Web Services VCC610 - Firewall

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    for Amazon Web Services VCC610 Marketplace - Min.Menge: 1 Liz
  18. Barracuda Firewall Control Center for AW - Firewall

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  19. Barracuda Firewall Control Center for AW - Firewall

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  20. Barracuda Firewall Control Center for Go - Firewall

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In absteigender Reihenfolge