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In absteigender Reihenfolge
  1. StarTech.com 1000 ft Bulk Roll of Blue CMR Cat6 Solid UTP Riser Cable - Cat 6 Riser Cable - Cat.6 CMR Ethernet Cable - 23 AWG - Blue (WIR6CMRBL)

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    Bulkkabel - 304.9 m - UTP - CAT 6 - robust - Blau
  2. StarTech.com 1000 ft Bulk Roll of Gray CMR Cat6 Solid UTP Riser Cable - Cat 6 Riser Cable - Cat.6 CMR Ethernet Cable - 23 AWG - Gray (WIR6CMRGR)

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    Bulkkabel - 304.9 m - UTP - CAT 6 - robust - Grau

In absteigender Reihenfolge